Our Services
Physical Therapy
Our physical therapists are experienced in all aspects of pain management and rehabilitation and will work with you and your doctor for an optimal outcome. We pride ourselves in our commitment to continuing education which enables us to provide our patients with the highest quality of care.
Spinal Manipulation
Spinal manipulation has been used for more than two thousand years in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. The goal of manipulation is to improve structural alignment which therefore can improve your body’s physical function. This therapeutic intervention requires trained therapists to apply a quick thrust over a short distance covering the restricted area to assist in restoring full motion to restricted joints as well as normalizing elasticity of soft tissue.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a form of therapy in which fine needles are inserted into myofascial trigger points (painful knots in muscles), tendons, ligaments, or near nerves in order to stimulate a healing response in painful musculoskeletal conditions. Dry needling is not acupuncture or Oriental Medicine; that is, it does not have the purpose of altering the flow of energy (“Qi”) along traditional Chinese meridians for the treatment of diseases. In fact, dry needling is a modern, science-based intervention for the treatment of pain and dysfunction in musculoskeletal conditions such as neck pain, shoulder impingement, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, knee pain, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, or low-back pain. Single-use, disposable needles are used in this clinic.
Scoliosis Care
Scoliosis is a neuromuscular disorder that causes a three-dimensional curve of the spine. There are four basic, but different categories of scoliosis: congenital, early onset, adolescent scoliosis, and degenerative scoliosis. SEAS is an acronym for Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis which has been proven to help these different catergorizations. SEAS is an evidence-based approach to help patients learn an active self-correction in order to obtain their best spinal alignment. A thorough evaluation is performed which involves laser light plumb line measurements, scoliometry, X-ray assessment if available and specific physical tests. Together with the patient, the certified SEAS therapist teaches stabilization exercises which include neuromotor control, proprioceptive training and balance while maintaining their active self-correction. In addition to teaching patients how to use their own muscles and improved sensory awareness to optimize their posture, the SEAS approach offers education for the scoliosis population to avoid deleterious effects to the spine and continue to enjoy a pain free, healthy and active lifestyle.
Golf Fitness
Did you know that poor posture can lead to improper address at the ball, balance deficits can result in loss of posture during the swing, weak abdominals can result in coming in over the top, and inability to separate your upper and lower body contributes to sliding and swaying?
We’ll design an exercise program customized to improve your overall golf fitness and work with you one-on-one to assure you are performing exercises with proper technique in order to achieve optimal outcome.
Conditions We Treat
Neck Pain
TMJ (Jaw Pain)
Migraines & Headaches
Back Pain
Sacro-Iliac Dysfunction
Joint Pain
Muscle Sprain & Strain
Tendonitis & Bursitis
Plantar Fasciitis & Heel Pain
Sports Injuries
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Scar Management
General Orthopedic Injuries
Total Joint Replacements
Pediatrics & Torticollis
Osteoporosis & Osteopenia
Women’s Health
Cerebrovascular Accident & Stroke
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinsons Disease
Nerve Entrapment Syndromes
Carpal Tunnel
Balance Disorders
Gait Disturbances
Dizziness & Vertigo
Bell’s Palsy